
The Cottage

The cottage holds some of the best memories

Right by the ocean

I can almost taste the saltiness

The perfect view of the beach

stretching across the water

for what seems like forever

Beach glass collecting

looking for the smooth colorful shards

when it turns night

we light the bonfire

roasting marshmellows

on the warm summer night

The Noises

I lay in my bed. I hear many sounds. The TV’s clatter. My parents subtle whispers. The crickets symphony. The static of the lonely air conditioner. The thump of the washing machine. The hum of the refrigerator’s cry. The clanging of the dishwasher- and the occasional footsteps in the hall. I listen carefully as I drift off to a deep slumber.


One set after another
Until my muscles are sore
Fighting through my schedule

The pain of fun-runs
On a warm Thursday evening
The overwhelming burn in my legs
The same sprinting motion

Endless time of performing the push-up complex
Over and over again
Until my arms are numb

Saturday track
Lap after lap
Of continuos running
With little or no breaks
In the heat of the moist morning

I Am The One Who

I Am The One Who

…Will be vacating the gym everyday because I wan’t to prevail over others

…Would tear up with joy if I got to attend the world championships live because there’s nothing like seeing it in person

…Despises running track because I am convinced my legs will fall off eventually

…Has snapped her arm three times because I made bad choices that I would not make again

…Would shed a lake of tears if any of my cats perished

…Can’t stand using regular pencils because they feel Like nails gritting on a chalkboard

…Urges to bounce on a trampoline 24/7, just because trampolines make me feel better about myself in everyday possible

…Doesn’t care what other people think about me because I know I am an amazing person and nobody better forget that

…Craves making edits during class because I am a very artistic person, it is my talent and my passion

…Stays up late creating a major grade project, regretting leaving it until the last minute